Institute for Disability Studies
Family Health Notes
June 2014
Inside this issue:
1) Jackson Zoo Dreamnight 2014 – June 6, Jackson
2) Mississippi disAbility MegaConference – June 12-13, Jackson
3) Camp Looking Glass Presents Warfield Riverfest – June 14, Greenville
4) Gaps in Kids’ Dental Coverage
1) Jackson Zoo Dreamnight 2014 – June 6, Jackson
Dreamnight will provide children with special needs or chronic illness and their families with a private evening at the Jackson Zoo on Fri., June 6, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Families can enjoy keeper chats and animal encounters as well as train and carousel rides. There will be entertainment by Inky the clown, Robert Day the magician, the Jackson Showboats basketball team and the Magnolia Roller Vixens. Refreshments will be provided by local area restaurants. Pre-registration is required. For more information, call 601.352.2500.
2) Mississippi disAbility MegaConference – June 12-13, Jackson
The Mississippi disAbility MegaConference, Mississippi's largest conference for individuals with disabilities, their families, and professionals, will be held Thurs., June 12, and Fri., June 13, at the Marriott Downtown in Jackson. Presentation topics for 2014 include: self-advocacy, disability policy, assistive technology/Bluetooth, Social Security Disability Work Incentives, community resources, abuse, employment, parent advocacy, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, Medicaid, housing, EEOC/ADA, special education, inclusive child care, crisis intervention and systems change. Approximately 50 businesses, service agencies and disability organizations will share their latest programs, information and innovations. Continuing Education Units are offered in several disciplines. The closing keynote will be presented by Andy Imparato, executive director of the Association of University Centers on Disabilities. Stipends, if needed, for individuals with disabilities are provided by the Mississippi Council on Developmental Disabilities. For registration, hotel, agenda and all other information, visit
3) Camp Looking Glass Presents Warfield Riverfest – June 14, Greenville
Camp Looking Glass has devoted its energies to improving the lives of children and your adults with physical and/or cognitive disabilities in the Mississippi Delta since 2004. A nonprofit organization, Camp Look Glass recently secured a generously donated land site as a permanent camp home. As part of the fundraising campaign to break ground and build a new home, Camp Looking Glass has organized the Warfield Riverfest. Proceeds from the festival benefit Camp Looking Glass and give the camp the opportunity to give back to a community that has embraced it. The Warfield Riverfest is scheduled for Sat., June 14, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Warfield Point Park in Greenville. For more information, visit
4) Gaps in Kids’ Dental Coverage
Can teeth be the root of other health problems? The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) says, “yes.” The report, The State of Little Teeth,” explains how poor oral health can put children at risk for general health problems such as earaches, diabetes, malnutrition and heart disease. Lack of dental health care can affect children’s intellectual and social development and can cause disability, even death. The report says parents admit they engage in practices they know are not good for their children’s teeth such as serving juice too often. The report also provides information about the Affordable Care Act’s role in making dental insurance available to more American children. To view a copy of the report, visit
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Family Health Notes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Family Health Notes is sponsored by the Institute for Disability Studies (IDS), Mississippi’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) at The University of Southern Mississippi. IDS provides university training, community service activities, research and information that promote the independence, productivity, and community inclusion of individuals with disabilities and their families. For more information about IDS, visit www.usm/edu/ids or call 1.888.671.0051 (TTY). To make a tax-deductible gift to IDS, visit
The Family-to-Family Health Information and Education Center (F2F) is a family-focused, family managed resource center that empowers families of Mississippi children with special health care needs to be partners in the decisions made concerning the health of their children. F2F is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (GR#H84MC07948).
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