Assistive Technology: Keep It Simple
Friday, November 8
12 Noon
This webinar introduces viewers to the Technology Learning Center’s (TLC) wide array of assistive technology devices for people with disabilities. TLC, a division of the Institute for Disability Studies at The University of Southern Mississippi, is located on the Southern Miss Gulf Coast campus. Staff travel throughout the state to provide assistive technology evaluations in the natural environment to determine the best device for communication, computer access, environmental control to enhance educational outcomes and participation. Sara Jackson, Ed.D., special educator at TLC, will present.
Participants should use this link Technology Learning Center Webinar in conjunction with computer speakers and a microphone (enabled by the presenter). Participants can also dial in by phone at 213.416.1560 using the guest access code 1447029. Live captions will be available.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Family Health Notes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Family Health Notes is sponsored by the Institute for Disability Studies (IDS), Mississippi’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) at The University of Southern Mississippi. IDS provides university training, community service activities, research and information that promote the independence, productivity, and community inclusion of individuals with disabilities and their families. For more information about IDS, visit www.usm/edu/ids or call 1.888.671.0051 (TTY). To make a tax-deductible gift to IDS, visit www.usm.edu/ids/supportus.html.
The Family-to-Family Health Information and Education Center (F2F) is a family-focused, family managed resource center that empowers families of Mississippi children with special health care needs to be partners in the decisions made concerning the health of their children. F2F is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (GR#H84MC07948).
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