April 2, 2012

April 2, 2012
Inside this issue:
1) Stride Across the Spectrum 5K Run/Walk and Fun Run – Apr. 13, Hattiesburg
2) LIFE-MACE Inclusive Wheelchair Tennis Clinic – Apr. 21, Hattiesburg
3) Marriage Retreat for Couples Raising a Child with Special Needs – Apr. 21-22, Chattanooga, TN
4) Finding Your Way in the Health Care System
5) Understanding the Affordable Care Act
6) Family Fun Day – May 5, Hattiesburg
7) Camp Dream Street
1) Stride Across the Spectrum 5K Run/Walk and Fun Run – Apr. 13, Hattiesburg
The Institute for Disability Studies is sponsoring the first Stride Across the Spectrum 5K run and walk and one-mile fun run on Fri., Apr. 13, at the Longleaf Trail at 2895 W. Fourth Street in Hattiesburg. Registration is from 4:15 to 5:15 p.m., the one-mile fun run is at 5:30 p.m. and the 5K run/walk is at 6 p.m.  The race day registration fees, which include a tee shirt, are $25 for individuals, $20 for Pine Belt Pacers, and $10 for the one-mile fun run. All proceeds will benefit the Stride Across the Spectrum Community Fund which provides financial assistance to individuals and families of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. For more information or a printable order form, visit www.usm.edu/ids  or call Beth Bruton at 601.266.5163.
2) LIFE-MACE Inclusive Wheelchair Tennis Clinic – Apr. 21, Hattiesburg
Plan for a fun day of tennis on Sat., Apr. 21, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Tatum Park Courts at 101 Parkway Drive in Hattiesburg sponsored by LIFE, MACE (Metro Area Community Empowerment) and the Institute for Disability Studies. TRIAD AmeriCorp members will be assisting. Any disability is welcome. Wheelchairs and racquets will be provided, and lunch and refreshments will be served. For more information, call Cindy Singletary at LIFE at 228.388.2401.
3) Marriage Retreat for Couples Raising a Child with Special Needs – Apr. 21-22, Chattanooga, TN
The Two-gether marriage retreat will be held Sat., Apr. 21- Sun., Apr. 22, at the historic Chattanooga Choo Choo in Chattanooga, TN.  This retreat is specially designed to discuss the unique challenges faced by couples raising a child with special needs. Hear from speakers who “get it” and understand the strains and stresses that can come when you have a special child. For more information visit http://www.risingaboveministries.info/national-ministries/two-gether .
4) Finding Your Way in the Health Care System
From the flu to broken bones, illnesses and medical emergencies seem to be an inevitable part of raising kids. It can be stressful any time your child needs medical attention, but even more so when you’re worried about where to get that care and how much it will cost. Visit this website for information on how to better navigate the health care system for your child: http://kidshealth.org/parent/system/doctor/healthcare.html#cat173 .
5) Understanding the Affordable Care Act
Trying to better understand the Affordable Care Act and how it affects your child with special health care needs? These fact sheets, one from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website and the other, including a Spanish version, from the website HealthCare.gov., explain what you need to know about the Act. Visit http://www.hhs.gov/od/affordable_care_act.html ,   http://www.healthcare.gov/news/brochures/people-with-disabilities-top5.pdf, or http://www.healthcare.gov/news/brochures/people-with-disabilities-top5-spanish.pdf
6) Family Fun Day – May 5, Hattiesburg
Save the date:  Sat., May 5, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the 3rd Annual Family Fun Day at Kamper Park in Hattiesburg. Expect food, fun, games, music and prizes. Family Fun Day is presented by CommUNITY Cares. The theme for the day is The Future’s So Bright, Celebrating Children’s Mental Health Awareness. For more information, call CommUNITY Cares at 601.544.4641.
7) Camp Dream Street
Dream Street is a five-day, four-night camping program for children with physical disabilities. The camp is held on the grounds of the Henry S. Jacobs Camp in Utica, MS.  Dream Street will be held May 29 through June 2, 2012. Dream Street accepts approximately 60 children ages 8 to 14 each summer for  fun-filled days of arts and crafts, horseback riding, music, fishing and canoeing, athletics, outdoor adventure, science and swimming. Applications are now available. For more information, visit http://www.dreamstreetms.org/campdreamstreetms.php or e-mail Cynthia Huff at cynthia@dreamstreetms.org .