June 8, 2012

June 8, 2012
Inside this issue:
1) LIFE-MACE Inclusive Wheelchair Softball Clinic – June 16, Hattiesburg
2) Mississippi disAbility MegaConference – June 21-22, Jackson
3) MSPE Employment Awareness Sessions – June 21-22, Jackson
4) Citizens with Disabilities Can Get Free Lifetime National Parks Pass
5) FEMA Urges People to Prepare for Hurricanes and Severe Weather
1) LIFE-MACE Inclusive Wheelchair Softball Clinic – June 16, Hattiesburg
Come on out for a great summer day of softball and fun on Sat., June 16, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the parking lot of the Payne Center on The University of Southern Mississippi campus at 118 College Drive in Hattiesburg. Everyone is welcome to the clinic sponsored by LIFE (Living Independence for Everyone) and MACE (Metro Area Community Empowerment). For more information, call Cindy Singletary at LIFE at 228.388.2402.
2) Mississippi disAbility MegaConference – June 21-22, Jackson
The Mississippi disAbility MegaConference will bring together hundreds of individuals with disabilities, family members, and professionals to share best practices, provide training, and inspire innovation among attendees. There will be vendors from across the state, opportunities to earn continuing education units and continuing legal education credits, breakout sessions led by inclusive panels of speakers, incredible networking with individuals and professionals, a silent auction, exceptional door prizes, and an evening entertainment event. Stipends are available for families. For more information, call 1.800.772.4057 or visit http://megaconference.drms.ms/.
3) MSPE Employment Awareness Sessions – June 21-22, Jackson
Four awareness sessions on employment for youth and young adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities will be held on June 21-22 in Jackson. Youth and young adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families, educators, business leaders, community leaders and elected officials are invited to participate in separate, targeted sessions. Scheduled awareness sessions and locations are:
                Mon., June 4 -   1 p.m., community leaders and elected officials – MS Library Commission
                                                5:30 p.m., youth with disabilities and their families – Jackson Marriott
                Tues., June 5 -   10 a.m., business leaders - MS Library Commission
                                                1 p.m., educators - MS Library Commission
The Mississippi Library Commission is located at 3881 Eastwood Drive at the Education and Research Center off Ridgewood Road and Eastover Drive. The Jackson Marriott is located at 200 East Amite Street. For more information on the awareness sessions, e-mail Dr. Jerry Alliston, Jerry.Alliston@usm.edu, or Alma Ellis, aellis@ihl.state.ms.us, at the Institute for Disability Studies.
4) Citizens with Disabilities Can Get Free Lifetime National Parks Pass
Did you know that U.S. citizens with documented disabilities can get a free lifetime pass to all national parks and recreation areas? The Access Pass is a free pass available to U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. who have been medically determined to have a permanent disability. The pass provides access to more than 2,000 recreation sites managed by five Federal agencies. A National Parks Pass usually costs $80 yearly. For more information, visit http://store.usgs.gov/pass/access.html.
5) FEMA Urges People to Prepare for Hurricanes and Severe Weather
Hurricane Season began June 1. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a system that sends severe weather alerts to people on their cell phones. Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs) look like a text message, and will automatically appear on the mobile device screen showing the type and time of alert, along with any action that should be taken. Check with your cellular carrier to see if WEA alerts are available in your area. Read FEMA’s emergency preparedness tips for people with disabilities in English or Spanish. For more emergency preparedness tips and information about the importance of including people with disabilities in planning for emergencies and disasters and stories about preparing for emergencies, visit https://www.disability.gov/emergency_preparedness.
Preparedness tips in English: http://www.ready.gov/sites/default/files/documents/files/FEMA_Disabilities_R-6.pdf 
Preparedness tips in Spanish:  http://www.ready.gov/sites/default/files/documents/files/PrinterFriendly_DisabilitiesSpecialNeeds_ES.pdf