[Familyhealthnotes] Family Health Notes - August 2016

Institute for Disability Studies

Family Health Notes


August 2016


Inside this issue:


1) Short Survey to Help Determine IDS Emphasis Areas

2) Fight the Bite

3) Sickle Cell Support Group – August 6, Jackson

4) Children’s Medical Program

5) 8 Things to Remember about Child Development

6) Ensuring Quality, Accessible Care for Children with Disabilities and Complex Health and Educational Needs

7) Recordings from Co-Occurring Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Issues in Transition-Aged Youth Conference

8) Presidential Proclamation - Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 2016



1) Short Survey to Help Determine IDS Emphasis Areas


Your opinion is important! The Institute for Disability Studies (IDS) is developing a five-year plan and needs your opinion. Please help IDS learn which areas of emphasis relating to disabilities are important to you. Your participation will help determine vital program focus areas. Please take five minutes to complete the short survey by visiting https://usmep.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eWCtXoaQxyg3Bch by September 2, 2016.


2) Fight the Bite


Mosquito-borne illnesses in Mississippi include the West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis, the Chikungunya virus and Eastern Equine encephalitis. These viruses cause flu-like symptoms in people who are bitten by infected mosquitoes. Covering arms and legs with long, light-colored clothing is a good way to protect your children and yourself from mosquito bites. To learn more ways to protect your family from mosquitoes, visit http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/14,0,93.html?i=WestNileInterior#Information.


3) Sickle Cell Support Group – August 6, Jackson


The Sickle Cell Support Group will meet at 11 a.m. Saturday, August 6, at the Jackson Medical Mall. For more information, contact Jeanne Tate at jeannejtate@yahoo.com or 601.366.5874.


4) Children’s Medical Program


The Mississippi State Department of Health’s Children’s Medical Program (CMP) provides family-centered care coordination services for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). If your child has a chronic illness or disability, CMP may be able to help. CMP will work with you and your health care providers to arrange and organize services as well as identify needs and resources to improve the health and well-being of your child. For more information on qualifications and eligible conditions, visit http://msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/41,0,163.html.


5) 8 Things to Remember about Child Development


The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University has published a new brief, 8 Things to Remember about Child Development, taken from the recent report, From Best Practices to Breakthrough Impacts. The Center also recently published a 3-minute video, The Case for Science-Based Innovation in Early Childhood, describing the Center's vision for using science to innovate in the early childhood field and fundamentally change the lives of children facing adversity. To download a copy of the brief and for a link to the full report, visit http://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/8-things-remember-child-development/.


6) Ensuring Quality, Accessible Care for Children with Disabilities and Complex Health and Educational Needs


The National Academies Press has published, Ensuring Quality and Accessible Care for Children with Disabilities and Complex Health and Educational Needs, a summary of a workshop held by the Forum on Promoting Children's Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Health. The goal of the workshop was to explore the needs and challenges faced by individuals and families affected by disabilities and complex conditions, as well as opportunities and innovative approaches for those conditions. To read the summary, visit http://www.nap.edu/read/23544/chapter/1.

7) Recordings from Co-Occurring Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Issues in Transition-Aged Youth Conference


Are you looking for information on topics concerning transition-aged youth? View session recordings and corresponding slides from the Children's Hospital Los Angeles and University Of Southern California's Community Education Conference. There are over 15 presentations that cover transition-related topics such as making and keeping friends in young adulthood, excessive restraint and seclusion in schools, competitive integrated employment, and the impact of health and fitness in the special needs community. To view the videos, visit http://www.uscucedd.org/upcoming-events/event-archive/ucedd-conference-march-2016/videos



8) Presidential Proclamation - Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 2016


The United States marked a pivotal moment in history for Americans with disabilities on July 26, 1990. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) became a law. Twenty-six years later, the ADA is recognized as milestone law for the disability community. To read the Presidential Proclamation honoring the anniversary of the ADA, visit https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/07/25/presidential-proclamation-anniversary-americans-disabilities-act-2016



***PLEASE NOTE: If you are unable to access any of the links in Family Health Notes, please make sure the entire link is highlighted.  If a link is not highlighted, please copy and paste the entire link into your Web browser.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Family Health Notes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Family Health Notes is sponsored by the Institute for Disability Studies (IDS), Mississippi’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) at The University of Southern Mississippi. IDS provides university training, community service activities, research and information that promote the independence, productivity, and community inclusion of individuals with disabilities and their families. For more information about IDS, visit http://www.usm.edu/disability-studies or call 1.888.671.0051 (TTY). To make a tax-deductible gift to IDS, visit http://www.usm.edu/disability-studies/support-ids.


The Family-to-Family Health Information and Education Center (F2F) is a family-focused, family managed resource center that empowers families of Mississippi children with special health care needs to be partners in the decisions made concerning the health of their children. F2F is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (GR#H84MC07948).








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