May 16, 2012 Special Edition (2)

Mississippi disAbility MegaConference
June 21-22
Marriott Jackson
Jackson, MS
Seventeen disability related agencies or groups have come together to plan and host Mississippi’s first MegaConference. The Mississippi disAbility MegaConference will bring together, at an affordable price, hundreds of individuals with disabilities, family members, and professionals to share best practices, provide training, and inspire innovation among attendees. There will be vendors from across the state, opportunities to earn continuing education units and continuing legal education credits, breakout sessions led by inclusive panels of speakers, incredible networking with individuals and professionals, a silent auction, exceptional door prizes, and an evening entertainment event that is sure to be a blast!
The link to the web-page and registration form is:
For more information, call 1.800.772.4057.
The Facebook page link is:  
Stipends are available. Call Judy at 601.969.0601 to inquire about the stipend process.
Call the Marriott at 601.969.5100 to reserve your room. Guest rooms are being offered at a special rate of $117 for a  single or double. You must tell them you are with the MS disAbility Megaconference. Registration and room reservation DEADLINE is May 28, 2012.